Monday, 13 April 2015

Amber A Maclin Message I got in my inbox... anyone that knows me KNOWS. I don't come in here often and when I do I don't even say anything bad about pits....umm why I am being targeted all of sudden.

There is no way of handling the petition against your horrible group that blames a breed of dogs. All dogs can go bad if treated and trained in an aggressive fashion. The most dangerous animal on earth is an ignorant human being. You are spreading vicious lies and incorrect information. Myself and TONS of other pit bull advocates and owners are going to put a stop to it with exposing your group and educating the public with our beautiful and loving family members that happen to be pit bulls. They have every right to be on this earth. If a dog has never shown aggressive issues than it is not aggressive. Compassion and love for animals is the way a human shows how valuable their character truly is. Where does that leave yours??? Why don't tou just make your little page private??? Then only the people buying into your lies can see it and facebook might not delete you? What you are doing is irresponsible and dishonest.
Amber A Maclin
Amber A Maclin
What group? I don't have a group.
Amber A Maclin
Amber A Maclin
if you're talking about that dangerous dog group. I am not the admin of it. and I have no idea why you sent me such a message. When you know nothing about me, what I do for a living and who my character is; I myself own two German Shepherds which are considered a dangerous breed. As far as pits goes. I don't care for them but I don't advocate senseless shootings of them for no reason either. Please think before you accuse someone of something you don't know.
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  • 4 people like this.
  • Amber A Maclin Message I got in my inbox... anyone that knows me KNOWS. I don't come in here often and when I do I don't even say anything bad about pits....umm why I am being targeted all of sudden. Most of the time I try to give the ones that do attack the benefit of the doubt....sheesh....
  • Bonny Thomas Lee Why not focus your efforts on much lower risk dogs???
  • Amber A Maclin I don't get it... I've never said anything bad about them.....I'm truly confused here. I always try to find middle ground when it comes to both sides......
  • Jen Arevalo Haha wow. Why don't they go after all the breeders who pump out pitbulls that end up in shelters and euthanized on a daily basis?
  • Amber A Maclin Anyone that has seen my posts in this group should know by now that I advocate responsible pet ownership! The problem with pit bulls is that they are over bred and get in the wrong hands i.e dog fighters, drug dealers and people that have no clue how to manage and own a dog let alone a terrier type dog as that is what a pit bull is American Pit Bull Terrier. I don't agree with the senseless murdering of an animal that has no bite history or history of being aggressive, attacking and mauling people. I personally believe that if you're not breeding APBT to the standards set by the AKC and breeding the aggression out of the lines then you shouldn't be owning them. As Great Danes used to be aggressive and dangerous breeds until they bred the aggressiveness out them. The same with Saint Bernards. As far as BSL goes responsible owners should be allowed to keep their pets. Owners that have dogs that aren't controllable or have a history of causing trouble should be removed from the home. I believe I have said this numerous times in this group. But for some odd reason I am not an animal lover etc because I am in this group?
    April 8 at 3:12pm · Edited · Like · 6
  • Harve Morgan "Tons"? Does that mean that pit bull owners are all very fat? Usually that term is used by a teenager, not by an adult.
  • Bonny Thomas Lee I agree, to euthanize 600,000 to 800,000 of a breed that is a low percentage of the total canine population borders on immoral treatment of "Mans Best Friend" The problem Ms. Maclin is not "Bad Owners" "How you Raise Um" and on and on, ad naeseum. Ebola killed 3...YES ,3, US citizens in 2014, faulty baby beds about 7 infants since the mid 80's...but Pit Bulls and their mixes..well, that is another story. Perhaps the best answer is what Niagara Falls NY, one of the poorest municipalities in our country ,has decided to do as their shelters are OVERUN with this unfortunate breed. You do not strike me as a mean spirited young woman, please remember however, the individuals who increasingly are distressed about the maulings and human fatalities from a breed, never intended as a family pet, usually have a good reason.
  • Christy Cornell Amber, you are experiencing deranged pitter syndrome. They aren't rational. Of all people to target here about BSL, you shouldn't be one. They probably contacted you because you didn't have them blocked or you didn't have your FB account locked down as tight as some of us. 

    Yes, everyone in this group recognizes that you are not pro-BSL, but this is a public page and the pitters see you posting here, so they targeted you because of association with us ( even though it is clear you aren't one of us[not meant to be insulting to you]) and simply being on this site as a member. Possibly because (1.) They think you are on the fence (which you aren't) and they think they can intimidate you to be silent or maybe fully go to the pro-pitter side. (2.) You have talked about weapons and defending yourself here. 

    Ignore them or if it bothers you, block them. I'm surprised you haven't been targeted before now. Just the fact that you haven't been showcased on any of the pitter hate sites yet ( for mentioning guns and talking about protecting yourself) tells me this person who pm'd you is just a noob.
  • Amber A Maclin My page is pretty locked down tight. I'll have to double check my settings. I'll defend myself against any dog if need be. I'm pro advocate for that self defense is must. I may not fully agree with BSL but I do understand the aspects of it especially when you have so many irresponsible people owning one particular breed of dog. I have met some really responsible owners who know the breed and know how to handle and manage it. Those people are few and far.
  • Laurie Miller Musselman Was this message in your so called "other" inbox? Just ignore it, you'll be better off blocking her.
  • Christy Cornell Oh and Amber, you may feel differently, but my opinion is that it can't be compared about what's happened with Great Danes to what's going on with pitbulls as far as attempting to breed out the aggression. 

    Great Danes were made less aggressive by add
    ing sight hounds into the mastiff mix. It wasn't just that the Great Dane breeders bred less aggressive dogs to less aggressive dogs, yes they did do that, but they ALSO added in a lot of Irish Wolf Hound blood, and Grey Hound blood, both of which are non-bully breeds and low aggression breeds with good safety records as far as DBF's. Infusing those sight hound types was a big part of reducing the aggression in the early German mastiffs. Adding in those docile sight hound breeds is probably what makes Great Danes among the lowest ranking for causing DBF's in all of the mastiff type dogs and considering that Great Danes are a very popular breed, as far as mastiff types go, that is significant when choosing a pet if you are considering getting a large breed dog or a mastiff type dog. 

    Pitbull breeders aren't gonna do that. They will never breed away from the molosser mastiff type bulldog and terrier combination. When pitbull breeders do infuse new blood, they usually add in other bully breeds (larger or smaller). 

    Pitbull breeders should look at what the Bull Terrier breeders did. To get that egg head and white color, they added in non-bully breeds like Collie, Borzoi, Dalmation, etc. Not only did it change the shape of the head, it seems to have made the Bull Terrier less deadly. Later, to get colored Bull terriers, staffys were bred back into the Bull Terrier breed, but that little bit of pitbull blood obviously was just enough to get some color back into the dogs. It didn't increase the tendency for killing humans. Bull Terriers are just as capable of killing people as pitbulls are, but a human death from a Bull terrier is rare. In Canada and the US, from 1982-2014 there were no known fatalities from Bull Terriers while there were approximately 295 fatalities from pitbulls. See Bull Terrier (non pit) .
    Bull terriers are registered in the AKC more frequently than the two AKC staffies, but rarely do you hear of an attack from a Bull terrier even though, with the popularity of "Spuds McKenzie"(the mascot for a beer brand), starting in the latter part of 1987, the Bull Terrier breed went through a period of time when they were trendy and very over bed.

    Video proof that Bull Terriers, while not as prone to causing fatal human attacks as pitbulls, can grip and hold when necessary and are STILL just as capable of taking on a bull.
  • Julia Lewis Don't worry, Amber. If that person gets back to you, tell them to put their question or whatever they want to say here, as this is obviously the group they are objecting to. And yes, I am sure they would very much like this "little page" to be "priv...See More
  • Dawn Dalyce Do more research before you say that dogs that haven't shown aggression aren't dangerous...... read the victims stories of being attacked by their pampered neutered pets that had shown no aggression for 5 years or more... AGAIN... Retrievers, retrieve, pointers point, setters set, trackers track, herders herd....It's in the genes... Mauler breeds maul... pit bulls fight to the death when triggered.... who knows when that will happen ??? They are NOT fit for pets.
    Learn about victims of severe pit bull attacks and other...
  • Dennis Ballance Sr I hope they educate the public but add a little truth to the education just let them know how many people have been killed and mauled so far in 2015 by pit bulls. Ban dangerous dog will not change the facts but last I checked people still have the right to free speech even if it differs from what you think. We don't make the news we just post it thank your fellow pit owners for that. If they were controling their dogs like they should we would have no news of pit attacks to post. That would make me happy but as long as I have to be armed to work in my own yard and people are killed. I will sing this song post the attacks. You don't need a ban you need to control your dogs problem solved. If you want to be mauled or killed in the privacy of your home by your pit enjoy yourself.
  • Wendy Lambert Dixon Amber A Maclin, please educate yourself before criticizing this, or any other, group. Pits are inherently dangerous because of centuries of breeding. It has NOTHING to do with a soft bed and a kind word. Please educate yourself before you become a victim, too.
  • Julia Lewis Wendy Lambert Dixon, please be polite! Amber is a long-standing member of this group and she does know the score re pit bulls!
  • Julia Lewis People here are very aware of the dangers of pit bulls. The one that come here to defend them don't last long!
  • Julia Lewis btw. welcome to the group Wendy Lambert Dixon!
  • Wendy Lambert Dixon Julia Lewis, thanks for the welcome. I was in no way intentionally rude to Amber. I'm truly concerned that many people do not understand the time bombs Pits are (sorry, I know that's grammatically incorrect). I took her post as a "You don't know what you're talking about" statement. So many people just don't comprehend the unprovoked damage these dogs can do.
  • Julia Lewis I know what you mean about people not realising what these dogs are capable of. We have had some horrendous videos up here, including one awful one where a man dies when his pit won't let go of his arm, and another ghastly one where two pits attack an ordinary dog and pull off one of its front legs, and one starts eating it... Oh I can't bear the horrors. The trouble is, most people just believe the PC propaganda of "it's all how you raise them" and never get to read or see the horror stuff. That's why we need to keep putting up stories here.
  • Julia Lewis It's a public safety issue but the authorities everywhere are turning a blind eye.
  • Lynne Smith Very sorry you have been targeted Amber - welcome to the club! I don't understand why you were sent that message either - I think a lot of these pit bull lovers are so emotional over this issue that they simply do not think things through, just attack. They probably went through the list of members and sent messages to several people, you just happened to be one. Guilt by association is what they do, they don't care about who you are or what you believe - we are all the same to them, so they find someone that truly does hate and assume we are all like that one person. It doesn't make them look very good when all they do is stereotype and harass people. I would be curious to know who it was, if it was a known harasser - you can post here or message me. And the best thing to do is report the message and block them. This group has been around for a long time, I know the pit bull people hate it and want it shut down. I assume they report it all the time, but FB has never said anything to me about it. 

    I think we all agree with you here that responsible pet ownership solves most problems, and that there seems to be a lack of it with many in the pit bull owning crowd. But you really can't blame them for being so uneducated about their dogs when so many organizations are deliberately misinforming pit bull adopters in order to get the dogs adopted. I do want you to know that almost all BSL allows responsible owners to keep their pit bulls if a law is passed through grandfathering - its the only fair way to do things.
  • Marvin A Maclin they are reacting the same way negatively in a way that the dogs they protect act, a true sign that the owners are fueling the aggression, to randomly lash out at random people, no tact involved, and it looks really really bad on their behalf, most dogs learn their behavior from their master, then their breeding instincts, this letter was a clear example of that which can be used against them.
  • Mukta Begum My son got attacked by a pit bull 35 stitches and this is by a friendly dog who had an owner what do you say about that, his face was mauled and he is 10 yrs old the dog wanted to attack my seven year old you would say the same thing if they were dead, obviously dog lives is important than human child
  • Dennis Ballance Sr Mukta Begum there are to many stories like yours. I hope your son is doing ok some day I pray our efforts will get some results. I hope for a ban or the owners to understand the problem and take the proper steps to protect the public. Two or three people a day mauled or killed is not acceptable.
  • Heidi Schold Thanks Amber, tell that freak to go hug a pit until one of your little "grenade" dogs loses its pin - cant you turn off the ability of people to inbox you if they are not friends, sorry at first I thought you were typing that
  • Heidi Schold I just got the same message, I reported the nutcase for harassing me lol
  • Amber A Maclin Wow....smh
  • Mukta Begum Can you explain that to my son who's face got bitten 35 stitches
    22 hrs · Like · 1
  • Mukta Begum Am asking for health and safety not the breed am targeting at I know there are lots of responsible owners it's the irresponsible ones that I hate
    22 hrs · Like · 1
  • Julia Lewis Sorry to hear about your son, Mukta Begum. What happened to the dog? Did it happen near where you live?
    20 hrs · Like

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