Thursday, 9 October 2014

How to kill a dog!? Have You Already Thought About It?

Killing Dogs

How to kill a dog!? Have You Already Thought About It?

How to kill a dog!?How many of you fantasize about killing the hounds from hell?
How many of you have searched the Internet for subversive ways to accomplish mutt murder?
How many of your quiet neighbors have offered illegal solutions to your pooch problems?
How much would you be willing to sacrifice and pay just to have the job done?
“Any dog that bites me, I’ll kill it.”
Phil Hendri, on his national radio show.
How much would you pay for a sci-fi machine that could just zzaappppp the mutt out of the universe?
Should we shoot them, poison them, drown them, or kidnap and deport them to far off lands (or the local research center)?
STOP! NO! Don’t even go there.
Why? Because it IS NOT the dog’s fault. Dogs are doing what they think they are supposed to due to poor management, lack of training and even encouragement from their horrible owners. Or a combination  of them. It’s the bad dog owners fault and they are the ones who need to be responsible, both morally and legally.
Those, my dear, bad dog owners are your greatest evil, even more than of those Hounds of Hell.
Creating an environment so filled with stress and hostility that once well-mannered, good-natured people  are resorted to seeking violent methods of solution. In our own personal experience, we have had the quiet neighbor whisper to us, “The police won’t do a thing, but don’t worry – we’ll take care of it for you. One day the dogs will just disappear. We have a way of taking care of these situations.” We’ve also heard from people who are asking about the monetary consequences of killing the dog as if it might be worth it. Of course, they are going insane from dog assault and can’t sell their house because of it. There is no escape. They have run out of ideas and are desperate. Innocent victims should not be placed in such a position due to lousy animal control and inadequate nuisance laws.
Some people than take the matters on their own hands and simply execute the job, either themselves or hiring a ‘contractor’. People get creative — highly creative actually — in moments of true hardship. The internet is full of these ideas put in action. We list some of them on our 100 Ways to Kill a Dog!?.

A Lot of People Think About Killing Dogs – All the Time

In one time or another, a person claims for peace and silence, in the privacy of their homes, all because of a dog that doesn’t stop barking and barking and barking. Not to mention after they are attacked, bitten or seeing a friend being murdered by it. Actually, countless people around the globe think about “putting to sleep definitely” a mutt that is making misery of their lives.
Below you can find a few number of phrases — thoughts and statements — that affected people search on the internet about this serious problem. Those are people who got to the point of almost losing their sanity, all due to irresponsible dog-owners and their hounds of hell.
Just the phrase question “how to kill a dog” is searched 110.000 times on Google, on each and every month. There are several others, but just a few samples are:
PhraseNumber of Searches Each Month
chocolate for dog135.000
how to kill a dog110.000
chocolate for dogs90.500
i killed a dog90.000
poisonous for dogs90.000
dogs poison74.000
stop dog barking60.500
how to poison a dog50.000
dog poisoning40.000
dog kill shelters27.000
killing a dog22.200
ways to kill a dog9.900
i killed my dog6.600
kill my dog5.400
dog kills baby2.900
You may ask what “chocolate for dog” has to do with killing a dog. Well, chocolate is highly poisonous to dogs, depending on the type and amount of chocolate, as well as the size of the canine animal.
Other interesting phrase (or statement?) is “i killed a dog“, meaning they possibly *already* killed one! They are not looking for ways to do it, they *already* did it.
Another statement is “i killed MY dog“. Sure, it could be intentional or accidental, but what could one guess with so many other similar alternatives? Even bad dog owners know (although just in their most private secrets) that dogs are incredibly annoying and dangerous. They just do not admit to others, otherwise they would not be “special” anymore.
A last eye-opening statement, the worst of all in my view, is “dog kills baby“. There is nothing crazier than that. Never, at all! That’s THE CRAZIEST!
Note that the numbers above may not be cumulative due to the way they are processed. They also change monthly, each one of them. Ah, and those are the numbers from Google only, we are not counting the numbers from other search engines, such as Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, Baidu… you name them.
This topic would never exist if YOU, Irresponsible dog-owners, were respectful of others.

Animal Cruelty. Or Human Cruelty?

Animal cruelty may cause fines from $250 to $100,000 depending on whether it’s “plain old cruelty” or “aggravated cruelty” with triple damages expected in civil court IN ADDITION to a possible prison sentence from six months to five years and mandatory psychological treatment. (The money is adding up….) In most U.S. states, killing dogs is a felony and if you do succeed in knocking off the dog, what is to prevent the bad dog owners from getting another? Those owners don’t learn from their mistakes. The cycle starts over. Is it really worth it? Right now, in your misery, it might feel like it, but it’s not. For more information on your individual U.S. state laws, please see our Resources section below.
On the other hand, when a dog that barks, attacks, or murders, the first question so-called authorities ask is, “Was the DOG provoked?” For some reason, it is  insanely expected with every case that the dog has some good reason to assault a human victim. If the human victim, after exhausting all legal avenues of justice, takes matters into his/her own hands is rarely, maybe never, asked, “Were YOU provoked?” In cases of attack or murder it is, again, insanely, acceptable for the bad dog owners to prove the dog was acting in a socially accepted way by blaming the victim for provoking the behavior. One dog victim was murdered because the dog ‘didn’t like’ her… perfume!
Still, until laws are written to protect victims and their human rights instead of protecting the violators, a better solution is for victims of dog assault to come together, organize and fight these bad dog owners legally. Demand new and better animal control ordinances by assisting in revising ineffective laws. Make it clear to government officials and legal magistrates that tolerating this lax behavior toward bad dog owners is no longer acceptable. We are supposed to be living in a democracy – demand your right to a safe and peaceful existence. Do not lower yourself to the level of an irresponsible, inconsiderate, self-centered dog owner by meeting aggression with aggression.

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