Here we have another cowardly keyboard warrior hiding in his mothers basement using fake profiles to stalk and dox people and as you can see this sort of behavior is becoming common place when dealing with pro Bsl advocates.
This same individual has just previously posted Pam Loken’s profile pic to the thread accusing her of actually being me it seems that anyone opposing Bsl and speaking up is automatically got to be me because no-one else in the world opposes Breed Specific Legislation.
Now despite the fact that I’ve told this hero the picture is stolen and has my name on it he refuses to remove thus leaving himself open to litigation for “Doxing”.
Now my reply to his rant is :
What about the victims of non banned breeds, how does Bsl help to prevent similar deaths in the future? short answer is, it does nothing at all for tose victims Breed specific Legislation was created to kill pitbulls and Colleen admits as much she thought killing pitbulls would lower dog bite related fatalities.
Despite the deaths of thousands upon thousands of pitbulls weekly across America the human death toll rises and the 2014 figures were over 50% higher then the average for the previous two decades.
Obviously breed specific Legislation doesn’t work and is not supported by any of the many legitimate animal organizations or the legal fraternity with the ABA recommending it not be used.
And this is what this individual posts in the name of public safety advocacy a stolen pic meme’d with my name and lies about me and like I said this is every day standard operating procedure and to be honest I bet this loser is Jeff Borchardt
Now I’ve never posted this picture on the internet and then I found it on the first of two fake pages attacking me that appeared on facebook both of which have since been removed by Facebook (thank you facebook) this is a perfect example of what to expect from your average Bsl proponent.
The irony is the whole time they’re doing this they’re also accusing you of doing what it is they’re doing to you despite their allegations, I’ve been blogging for nearly a year and not one person has contacted either myself or the blog and requested a pic be removed should someone contact me or the blog their request would be considered and then they’d be notified of the outcome..