Sunday, 13 December 2015

Cyber bully pit bull hater keyboard cowards

Here we have another cowardly keyboard warrior hiding in his mothers basement using fake profiles to stalk and dox people and as you can see this sort of behavior is becoming common place when dealing with pro Bsl advocates.
This same individual has just previously posted Pam Loken’s profile pic to the thread accusing her of actually being me it seems that anyone opposing Bsl and speaking up is automatically got to be me because no-one else in the world opposes Breed Specific Legislation.
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    Terry Holt I can’t believe you have enough nerve to demand that your picture be removed. How many pics, addresses, and a multitude of other personal info has been posted by you and your pals? Not until every shred of our pics and info comes down will anyone even consider removing your pic.
    You state that all pit hating pages should be removed because they’re spreading hate and fear. No Terry they’re sharing the truth and it’s eating you people alive. How many deaths have been caused by the pit advocacy so far this year? I will have to look to get an accurate result but I can think of at least 2 off the top of my head. Every time one of your pit pages shares and encourages the adoption of a known aggressive dog YOU play a role in that victim’s death. No rebuttal from any of you will change my mind. How many people have been killed directly or indirectly from a pro bsl page? ZERO
Now despite the fact that I’ve told this hero the picture is stolen and has my name on it he refuses to remove thus leaving himself open to litigation for “Doxing”.
Now my reply to his rant is :
What about the victims of non banned breeds, how does Bsl help to prevent similar deaths in the future? short answer is, it does nothing at all for tose victims Breed specific Legislation was created to kill pitbulls and Colleen admits as much she thought killing pitbulls would lower dog bite related fatalities.
Despite the deaths of thousands upon thousands of pitbulls weekly across America the human death toll rises and the 2014 figures were over 50% higher then the average for the previous two decades.
Obviously breed specific Legislation doesn’t work and is not supported by any of the many legitimate animal organizations or the legal fraternity with the ABA recommending it not be used.
And this is what this individual posts in the name of public safety advocacy a stolen pic meme’d with my name and lies about me and like I said this is every day standard operating procedure and to be honest I bet this loser is Jeff Borchardt
Now I’ve never posted this picture on the internet and then I found it on the first of two fake pages attacking me that appeared on facebook both of which have since been removed by Facebook (thank you facebook) this is a perfect example of what to expect from your average Bsl proponent. 

The irony is the whole time they’re doing this they’re also accusing you of doing what it is they’re doing to you despite their allegations, I’ve been blogging for nearly a year and not one person has contacted either myself or the blog and requested a pic be removed should someone contact me or the blog their request would be considered and then they’d be notified of the outcome..

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Jeffrey Sloan dangerously unstable and a menace to society in general

Oh for pete’s sake… These morons are going to kill themselves or kill another person with their stupidity. It’s like it becomes an apocalyptic even if they see a pit bull. 
So, according to Sloan, the beast had an unhealthy fixation on him and his ankle biter, he proceeded to assume the position and get his shank ready while he was putting his dog behind him as the beast was trying to get around him to his little dog. This dog was so intense with his unhealthy fixation that somehow a car and some people distracted the dog….?
 I really think Sloan sits around a fantasizes about stabbing pit bulls. He brags about being armed with knives, sledgehammers and now he wants to throw guns in the mix.
 If there was a pit bull or any dog, that dog could have cared less about Sloan and his little dog. Not only did the dog seem more concerned with cars and other people- the dog didn’t even follow him. One day, he will cross paths with the wrong owner who will take offense when Sloan pulls out a weapon on their innocent dog and it will end badly for the DBO moron. 
Now, Sloan isn’t alone in this convo- the very idea of stabbing a pit bull brings out the rest of the usual blood thirsty DBO members…
Notice how Carol mentions that the pit bull was on a leash?  Of course they crossed the road to keep away from the crazy lady with the mace. It’s like they feel that they have this fundamental right to intimidate and threaten pit bull owners with violence. 
I’m more scared of these armed and incredibly stupid people roaming our streets than I am about a pit bull. I seriously don’t understand how these people think they are normal? The violence, harassment and cruelty that these people participate in is criminal at times.
I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the pit bull owner that was the asshole. Borchardt might think he’s bullet proof but he’ll  cross the wrong person one day and his wife will be placing his ashes next to their son. Harsh, I know- but it’s reality. It’s unrealistic for them to think that people won’t start pushing back and people are starting.
We get why their secret hate groups are so important. It’s a way to hide their vile & violent beliefs from their friends and family. They don’t want people to know the darkness that festers in their souls.
It’s like they know, deep down that their need for violence is socially unacceptable and to preserve their public face they have no choice to huddle in their hate groups together. It all has to be kept a secret but like mostsecrets, they don’t stay secrets for long and eventually their true selves are seen.
Riiight- after you stab the pit bull feel free to stick the knife up the dog’s butt? 
Ladies & Gentlemen: just a peek into a daily convo of a secret “how to kill a pit bull hate group”.
By Zombies & Dogs

Monday, 18 May 2015

Weldon Smith--.I read somewhere a few months ago to just shoot your guns randomly.... no target and your crazy neighbors will keep their pibbles hidden from ya...please do....for I hate to see lil pibbles join the coons demise...

This sort of post is typical of the majority of the members of anti pit bull hate pages and groups and if this is how they talk in their public groups one can only imagine the stuff they discuss in their private groups.

There's little doubt that individuals and groups like this promoting this type of behavior are contributing to the many instances where many family pets are going missing and never being seen again or alternatively their lifeless bodies are dumped backed in their families yards after they've been brutally tortured with unspeakable atrocities occurring weekly in our communities.

My next door neighbor...I dont see his wibble libble pibbles anymore after I endlessly have fired at coons with a powderless .22 and I guess that night when I fired a .410 at whatever was in my bunny barn..stealing my outside dogs food...I read somewhere a few months ago to just shoot your guns randomly.... no target and your crazy neighbors will keep their pibbles hidden from ya...please do....for I hate to see lil pibbles join the coons demise...
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Weldon Smith is your average pro Bsl anti pit bull 

advocate and regularly promotes measures that

undoubtedly endangers the community such as randomly

discharging a firearm in order to cause concern which 

would be considered illegal and an offence. 

Weldon is not a public safety advocate he's one disturbed


Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen They are "naturally" aggressive due to having no bite inhibition and they are born dog aggressive these two elements is something that has been geneticly bred out of them it is the two traits that make them prone to attack and maul anything they feel like. all other dog breeds are born with bite inhibition and much lower levels of dog aggression these traits are the saftey buttons if you will. it means that no normal dog will attack without warning ie growling and barking they also withdraw if the chalange is too much for them a pitbull attacks without warning and they keep going even when their opponents surrender a normal dog stops when it opponent surrenders so yes they are geneticly engineered to be mad.(Thepitbulls that is) not other breeds of dogs. May 2, 2014 at 4:12am · Like · 1

I found it interesting that the dog was number 4 I also found it interesting that the depicted dog looks a lot like a pitbull and I found it even more interesting that rabies was mentioned as the cause
Mosquitoes kill more people in 4 minutes than sharks do in a year.
That’s why I’m launching Mosquito Week—with a nod to Shark Week—over on my blog:
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  • Weldon Smith Has there ever been a positive result of rabies from pit attacks? I saw this and think of all the poor people that have to get tested after a piece of pit attacks them and escapes capture.
  • Jennifer Sue Scott No need for rabies, they're naturally rabid! How true can this be?
  • Jackie Jenkins I haven't heard of a single dog attack from a rabid dog in years... I disliked this graph because I do not think it is accurate at all. Regarding rabid dogs just another way to sway the thinking of the general public
  • Lisbeth Mønsted LarsenThey are "naturally" aggressive due to having no bite inhibition and they are born dog aggressive these two elements is something that has been geneticly bred out of them it is the two traits that make them prone to attack and maul anything they feel like. all other dog breeds are born with bite inhibition and much lower levels of dog aggression these traits are the saftey buttons if you will. it means that no normal dog will attack without warning ie growling and barking they also withdraw if the chalange is too much for them a pitbull attacks without warning and they keep going even when their opponents surrender a normal dog stops when it opponent surrenders so yes they are geneticly engineered to be mad.(Thepitbulls that is) not other breeds of dogs.

Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen Iagree with all of you futher more a tiger or lion cub maybe cute to watch but at six months they are lethal its the same for pitbulls execpt their dog aggression is more highly developed and they are viscious at the age of eight to ten weeks by that time they go for the jugular instead of playfighting the fight to the death. So the picture above is an outright blatant lie and the worst kind of ignorance there is.

Oh boy this is a real weak stab.....
Listen to our podcast here:
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  • Jeffrey Sloan This was obviously put together by someone who is living in denial, as if pit bulls don't actually murder children. The elephant in the room, the inconvenient truth, is that the "family pit bull" has a bloody and violent track record of sudden, random, unpredictable violence, and is absolutely the most dangerous type of dog to which a child could possibly be exposed.
  • Jackie Jenkins Absolutely it made me want to gag when I seen it.
  • Jackie Jenkins But if you think about it these dogs are about the size of a chihuahua so implying that they're not dangerous would also implied it a bite from a chihuahua would be about the same is there always going on about chihuahuas now we have a fair comparison
  • Megan Herrick I hate pictures like this with a passion. They just try to cover the truth. Just because they start out small it doesn't make them any less deadly.
  • Jennifer Sue Scott It's how ASPCA commercials make me feel frown emoticon
  • Lisbeth Mønsted Larsen Iagree with all of you futher more a tiger or lion cub maybe cute to watch but at six months they are lethal its the same for pitbulls execpt their dog aggression is more highly developed and they are viscious at the age of eight to ten weeks by that time they go for the jugular instead of playfighting the fight to the death. So the picture above is an outright blatant lie and the worst kind of ignorance there is.
  • Heather Lynn Hudak one of my friends had posted this and when I commented how it offended me...I was unfriended. ...guess who adopted a rescue pit too with young child? of course she least I feel better unfriended actually! SAY NO TO PITS!
  • Jackie Jenkins I have been unfriended because of it my stance on pitbulls that is that's okay at least I know where to stand
  • Lisbeth Mønsted LarsenI find it sad that so many people turn their backs on us because we dare defy their love for pitbulls however here we are among friends and no one will unfriend us for our opinion about the pitbulls. If people ask me I say it out loud that i can´t love a breed that has no biteinhibition and that has been bred to kill and maul other dogs and that will do the same to people when they feel like it a few of my friends have lost their otherwise friendly dogs to pitbulls and having seen first hand the aggression of these dogs is more than enough for me. I avoid those dogs as the pests they are and will not have my greyhounds any where near them.
  • Gail Jetonne I also have lost many friends on facebook and in life....Heather I agree that is offensive....